From Sunday 18.2.2024 to Saturday 24.2.2024, the week of activities "Karavomaragkoi kai Fotografoi"(Shipwrights and Photographers) was successfully implemented in co-organization with the Region of the South Aegean and the support of the Municipality of Syros-Hermoupolis, in the Art Gallery C. & E Vati.
It included (i) a photography and visual arts exhibition, (ii) an open event focusing on shipbuilding art through photography and directing, and (iii) a directing seminar.
The photography exhibition, held at the "G. & E. Vatis Art Hall" in collaboration with the Syros Photography and Cinema Association, was visited by many people, mainly residents but also visitors to the island.
It is worth mentioning that, during the event, there were two educational visits from high schools of Syros. Specifically, all students and teachers from the Evening EPAL High School of Syros, accompanied by ten teachers, visited on the afternoon of Thursday, February 22, 2024, while the next day, Friday, February 23, 2024, in the morning, a class from the 1st year of the EPAL High School of Syros, along with two of their teachers, came for an educational visit.
During the visits, there was a presentation of the event, a documentary screening, and a discussion with the young students about the theme of the exhibition and the importance of developing cooperative relationships for the successful implementation of small or large projects.
At the open event on the art of wooden shipbuilding through photography and directing, held on Friday, February 23, 2024, at 8 p.m., there was a large turnout of the public and journalists. A discussion was held with professionals in the field - Mr. Makis Mavrikos and Ms. Maria Mavrikou - coordinated by journalist Lina Theologitou.
Following this, there were screenings of two short documentaries as well as a conversation with the creators.
The event concluded with a sea-themed concert by a musical group featuring Aristo Vamvakousis, a traditional musical instrument teacher at the "En Chordais & Organois - The Great School of Markos," on bouzouki, along with Zannis Maragos (Orchestra of the Cyclades, Kavafis Group, etc.) on guitar, and Christiana Galiatsou on vocals.
The next afternoon, Saturday, February 24, a free open directing seminar titled "The Greek Documentary Illuminates History," was held by the experienced and renowned directors Kyriakos Aggelakos and Stelios Tatakis.
The event was covered by local media, specifically:
From the newspaper "Koini Gnomi" and the journalist Nikos Borbantwonakis, who presented the "Shipbuilders and Photographers" action and the work of "Edu4all - Education for All":
From the newspaper "Koini Gnomi" and journalist Nikos Borbantonakis, who presented the action and the work of "Edu4all - Education for All".
From and journalist Vasilis Karamalegos, who covered the first and second parts of the event.
The event was co-organized with the South Aegean Region. The sponsors of the event were: "Makryonitis Distillery," "Athymaritis Syros" and "Ola se 1- Praxis" supermarket.
In summary the whole cultural event received very positive comments regarding the organization and the works. It had a positive impact on the local community and fostered important collaborative relationships with other organizations. For all these we consider the event to have been successfully implemented and hope to continue our work with similar activities and collaborations in the future.